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A healthy, natural and nutritional chew for dogs and puppies of all sizes, Jaspers Choice Fallow Antler are sourced from Fallow Deer,.

Simple cleaned (with no chemicals), Jaspers Choice Fallow Antler is an all natural chew for dogs, cut to various sizes, with sharp points being removed to make them safe. A healthy chew, they are full of natural minerals and calcium too.  Satisfying your dog’s natural urge to chew, it is a long lasting, unprocessed chew also helps to strengthen and clean teeth.

Please note, as these are naturally grown chews, no two antlers will be the same. Some are darker brown whilst others are a softer greyish/white. They also come in various shapes and sizes, and come from a sustainable, natural source. These shapes are then sorted into weight categories, as seen below.

Fallow Antler - Jaspers Choice


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